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Kinver Edge Hill Fort

Visited August 2018

Location Kinver, Staffordshire
Entrance Fee No
Railway Station Nearby No
Parking Yes 
Facilities Cafe, Toilet & Shop at nearby Rock Houses (entrance fee)







Kinver Edge is the site of an Iron Age hill fort which was occupied approximately 2000 years ago. The fort was situated at the top of a ridge of sandstone, created by wind blown sand settling in layers some 250 million years ago. Today it is green and woody and a walk to the summit of the hill fort to take in the views is an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.


Given the age of the hill fort it is no surprise that there is actually not much left to see on the summit, but the ramparts are still easy to spot, they are covered in bracken and very pleasant to walk along on a summers day. At one time they would have had wooden palisades on the top.The walk up to the top of the fort can be steep, but once at the summit there is a large flat area, mostly grassed but with the sandstone clearly visible underfoot. The views over the ridge are spectacular, and you can see why a defensive fort was built here- any invaders would have been easily visible in their approach.





The walk to the top is steep in places and there are some steps, although it is possible to take an alternative route to the one we took which is apparently suitable for buggies and wheelchairs. The walk seems very popular, usually when we go up to hill forts there are usually very few other people around, but this one seems to be the exception. There were many children playing up on the top and also many dog walkers. Mind you we were there in August, it is probably very different in November! You can walk the path that follows the course of the ramparts, on the way round you will come across a World War II brick built look out post, once used by the Kinver Home Guard. 






Once you have taken in the lovely wooded ridge and hill fort, you can walk down to the Holy Austin Rock Houses which are now owned by the National Trust (entrance fee payable) These are cave dwellings which were carved out of the sandstone face and were lived in until the 1960's. The NT has restored them to their former glory so that visitors can get an idea of how the families used to live their simple, self sufficient lives in the caves. It is a fascinating place to visit, and there is a very nice tea room for refreshments after your walk. There are also toilets and a small selection of gifts.  There are also picnic benches down in the orchard , which makes a nice place to stop and eat.




More info:  National Trust Kinver Edge

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